RUMOR: Metroid Prime 4 on-track for 2024 Switch release
Is it prime time yet?
Nintendo hasn’t mentioned Metroid Prime 4 in years. Well, I guess that’s technically not true, as every fiscal quarter they share an updated calendar of games, and Metroid Prime 4 is still on there without a release date. While Nintendo isn’t talking about the game, one insider is more than willing to.
Giant Bomb’s Jeff Grubb talked a bit about Metroid Prime 4 today, and what he had to share is at least somewhat promising. Grubb mentioned that one of his sources informed him that Epic Mickey: Rebrushed was a project in the pipeline, and if you watched today’s Nintendo Direct: Partner Showcase, you saw that rumor confirmed.
Wondering what that has to do with Metroid Prime 4? Grubb said that the same source who told him Epic Mickey: Rebrushed was in the works also stated that Metroid Prime 4 would see release in 2024. What may have been considered an iffy rumor before now seems a bit more credible with the Mickey news from today.
Now of course, things could always change, and only Nintendo knows what’s really going on with Metroid Prime 4. With that said, let’s keep all fingers and toes crossed that Samus is primed and ready for Switch later this year.
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1M agoI wonder if this info came before or after the supposed delay of the Switch successor to Q1 2025...

1M agoIf assets have to be turned in by May, how much of delay is on that until marketing starts and release? That doesn't feel like an immediate turnaround to me. But I guess it'll be a good learning experience.
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