U.S. software/hardware sales for Feb. 2023

What's big for the start of the year?

23 February 2024
by rawmeatcowboy 5

The latest gaming sales data for the United States have come in, and it gives us a look at how things went down in February of 2024. Let’s kick things off with the top 20 software sales of the month. Please note that Nintendo titles mentioned in the top 20 do not include digital sales, while other titles do.


We also have the total sales in terms of all games, accessories, hardware and more.


Next up, we have the top 10 grossing mobile games of February 2024.

  2. Royal Match (+1)
  3. Roblox (-1)
  4. Candy Crush Saga
  5. Coin Master (+1)
  6. Township (+5)
  7. Whiteout Survival (+5)
  8. Jackpot Party – Casino Slots (+2)
  9. Clash of Clans (-4)
  10. Pokémon GO (-2).

When it comes to hardware, we don’t have actual sales numbers, but we do have stats and placements for the platforms.

  • PlayStation 5 was the best-selling hardware in both units and dollars
  • Switch was second place in terms of units sold and third for dollars
  • Xbox Series was third place in terms of units sold and second for dollars

Last but not least, we have the top 10 software on Switch specifically.


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Comments (5)


1M ago

Disappointing numbers for Prince of Persia. I guess it will be showing up in the bargain bin soon

....what numbers? It's just the chart that shows the positions.

These charts by NPD never mention sale numbers.

Edited 1 time


29d ago


It came out mid Jan…..


25d ago


Like a Dragon was released on Jan 25th. Persona 3 reload on Feb 2nd. Suicide squad on Jan 30th. Tekken 8 on Jan 26th. They all outsold Prince of Persia, which was released on Jan 18th.


25d ago


"numbers" as in relative sales position. But here are insights into alleged actual numbers for the game if you are interested:

Edited 1 time