I had a feeling this was going to be a fun show, and damnit, it turned out that way! We go off on Nintendo analysts, I lose my mind over the WWE and Costco, we ramble about Silent Hill, Mario and Donkey Kong, Celeste and SO much more. It’s one for the ages, my friends!
Thanks to Gybones for this week’s timestamps!
00:00:00 Theme Music
00:00:30 Introduction
00:00:40 Pokémon Desc
00:03:00 Crew Greetings
00:05:17 Discord Greetings
00:08:30 Nicky Hill baring gifts!
00:13:58 Pre-News Talk
00:47:05 Now I Get News
00:47:19 Analysts don’t Expect “Switch 2” to be as big of hit as original
01:04:05 Mario vs Donkey Kong Demo Available Now
01:12:11 Japan’s top 10 Best Selling Games of 2023
01:16:49 Next Splatfest Feb 16th
01:26:31 NA eShop Releases
01:29:41 Nicky Hill’s Sweet (Euro eShop) Releases
01:39:56 Whatcha Been Playin’ Pod Crew?
02:34:35 Listener Question
02:37:17 Patreon Question
02:51:56 Music Time
03:13:33 Deux’s Rumor
03:15:31 Goodbyes
03:18:45 Final Goodbyes
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2M agoSometimes it's fun to look at the podcast image before I listen to the show and think... what on earth could this be about?
Hell, I'm just as confused by what we're talking about half the time AS we're talking about it!

I will say, sometimes I'll finish a drawing and go.. wait.. did any of this ACTUALLY happen in the episode??
There is one bit-sized free game that just got released that you missed. Test Test Test, a great point and click puzzle game by the developer of Space for the Unbound. You should check it out, about 2 hours long.
That’s on my Google Doc of things to play! I should have some time later tonight, so maybe that’s what I’ll fire up!
2M agoThis episode isn’t showing up in my player feed yet. Anyone else having issues?
I know there were issues, but it seems like the episode got caught and the problem was fixed. Let me know if it's still not there for you. So sorry for the trouble!
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